13. Short form & one liner


Even if it is up to each indiviual or team to contextually agree upon the best strategy, tooling should enable each approach.
Thus, grammar will be extended to seamlessly deal with all flavors.

Those following lines are both valid and equivalent, from the more detailled declaration to the minimum viable one.

c1 = container "c1" "description" "technology" "tags" {
c1 = container "c1" "description" "technology" "tags"
c1 = container "c1" "description" "technology"
c1 = container "c1" "description"
c1 = container "c1"


Moving to code-first approach means we have to shift the way we are thinking about our architecture staples.

The more you write, the more you have to deal with.
The less you write, the more you have to figure out.


Evangelize regarding the fact that grammar validity does not mean model completeness.
Even if it is perfectly fine to declare a container without specifying neither description, technology and tags, the model you end up with will not be that useful..