4. Tokenization & Theming


Mapping with existing concept of namespace & class can be confusing. Instead we decide to introduce brand-new taxonomy like keyword.person, entity.name.person & constant.numeric.instances.

Tokenization lies within grammar file, where we leverage regex expression to match line content. Once done, we tag meaningful pieces accordingly.

    "person": {
        "name": "meta.person",
        "match": "(?i)(\\s*)(.*?)(\\s*=\\s*)(person)(\\s+)\"(.*?)\"(\\s+)\"(.*?)\"(\\s+)\"(.*?)\"",
        "captures": {
            "2": {
                "name": "entity.name.person"
            "4": {
                "name": "keyword.person"
            "6": {
                "name": "string.name"
            "8": {
                "name": "string.description"
            "10": {
                "name": "string.tag"

We also provide a semantic color mapping, to enforce coherency between authoring & publishing part.

    "contributes": {
        "configurationDefaults": {
            "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
                "textMateRules": [
                        "scope": [
                        "settings": {
                            "foreground": "#834187",
                            "fontStyle": "bold"


Syntax colorization is a must-have to efficiently write C4 models. It is a 2 stages approach.


It seems difficult to enforce synchronization between Cornifer colormap & structurizr theme. See if and how we could expose color map to end-user to allow theming amendment.